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![]() (III.) John. The younger John married Janet Farquharson, as is seen in a charter to them, by Thomas Scott of Abbotshall, of a fourth part of the lands of Binzean Mor (which it appears they already occupied) dated 6 Nov. 1582 and a further charter of 20 Nov. 1582 of "all and haill the half of all and haill the town and lands of Meikle Binzean other wise called Binzean Mor extending to two merk lands of old extent," with pertinents. Binzean Writs. ( In the MacThomas genealogy it is noted that there were 7 children from this marriage of whom two are named, Alexander the oldest and John of Fife )
There can little doubt that this Janet Farquharson is identical with the Janet, only child (by " Beatrix Gordon daughter to the Lord Suderland ") * of William Farquharson, eldest son of Finla Mor, who is stated in the Brouchdearg MS. to have married " Thomas Mcintosh of Finizeand "; but there can be equally little doubt either that the MS. writer was in error as to the name Thomas or that that name is due to the error of a copyist. It is possible that " McThomas " was written in the original, and that the " Mc " was overlooked by the copyist or passed as illegible, as Alexander of Brouchdearg's writing might easily be; unfortunately the original MSS. of 1733, of which there are two, cannot at present be found. " Johnne McChomay younger in Fonykynd " is mentioned under date 30 July 1584 as having been summoned with his neighbours Robert of Dalmunzie, his son Duncan Cattanach, and Gawin Cattanach in Leonach, to appear before the Privy Council, and as the first three are denounced rebels for not appearing it may be assumed that John satisfied the law. This is the only reference to him beyond the references already given, but from his being described in it as " younger " it may be that his father was still alive.
(IV.) ALEXANDER. It does not appear when either of the two Johns died, but in 1606 Alexander McIntosche alias McComie is found described as " of Faninzeand." From the subsequent contract of sale of Finegand in 1652 (to be referred to afterwards) it would appear that for some reason or other he was not infeft in the lands, but it may perhaps be assumed that he was son of John Mackintosh and Janet Farquharson although it is not impossible that he was a younger brother of John. ( The MacThomas genealogy has this Alexander as the older brother of John who settled in Fife with their father being John McComie of Finegand, in Glenshee who married Janet Farquharson ) John the brother of Alexander , who settled in Fife is the presumed ancestor to the McIntosh family who we have styled as being of "Dunkeld"
The description of him as of Finegand is in a sasine of 5 Dec. 1606 to him and Margaret Small his spouse in the town and lands of Coridone with houses, buildings, yards, tofts, crofts, parts, pendicles, woods, fishings, muirs, mosses, myres, glennings, shealings, and pertinents," in the barony of Balmacrewchie, over which the "tolerance" had been granted to his predecessor in 1577. The sasine was on a wadset contract entered into by Alexander and Margaret with David Spalding fiar of Ashintully, dated 1 May 1606, and in their Letters of Reversion, dated 20 January following, the wadsetters oblige themselves to renounce the wadset, though not before Whitsunday 1616, on payment by Spalding of 1000 merks and the grant of a two years' tack of the lands during which they were to pay the feu maills and other duties to the superior, David Maxwell of Teling. Among the witnesses to the Letters are John Robertson of Straloch and Thomas Fergusson of Ballyoukan. Perth Sas. v. 294, 362. Alexander occasionally appears as a witness afterwards, and is twice mentioned in the Contract of 1652 as father of John, his successor, who sold Finegand.
(V.) JOHN, his son, the third head of the sept bearing that name, is the most prominent figure in the recorded history of his line, besides being a favourite subject of local legend. All that is known of him goes to show that he was a man of considerable ability and force of character as well as of considerable wealth no doubt due to his successful dealings in cattle and that for at least part of his time he held a position of importance in the glens of the Shee and the Isla. Such a man was scarcely likely to keep himself aloof from or to remain unaffected by the stirring national events which rapidly followed each other in his time the Covenant Wars, the temporary absorption of Scotland into the " Commonwealth of England," and the Restoration and it is through his being involved in these events that much of our knowledge of him is derived. His career, both traditional and recorded, has been detailed with much ability in the volume already referred to entitled " Memoir of the Family of McCombie, a Branch of the Clan Mackintosh," by William McCombie Smith (Edin. 1871), which contains, besides, an interesting account of his ancestors and descendants, and is on the whole a fairly complete presentation of the family origin and history. I have to express my indebtedness to this volume for useful help in the preparation of these pages,A new and larger edition was published in 1890 with the title " Memoir of the Families of McCombie and Thoms."
John is a party to the "Tolerance " or agreement with Rattray of Dalrulzion relative to the shealings in Glenbeg, to which reference has already been made. This was executed at Coupar Angus 18 May 1637, John signing "Johne Mackintoshe," though described in the deed as " Jhone Makcomie of Fairnyzaind." On 29 Dec. 1638 he took over wadsets on the lands of Leonach, part of Dalmunzie, but renounced them on 12 June 1641 ; and on 12 April 1644 he received charters of wadset from John Mackintosh alias Reid and John Grant alias Reid of the two halves of the lands of Carrow, or Kerrow, between the Tom and Runnavey. On 2 May 1648 he took sasine in a fourth part of Binzean Mor on a feu charter dated 23 April by John Makinfersan alias Webster (whose parents, David Webster and Janet Danedonald McGillepheunich, had obtained the land on 6 Nov. 1582, the date on which John's grandparents had acquired another fourth part). This addition made John the possessor of the whole of Binzean Mor. Perth Sas. ix. 230; x.. 19, 453-4; xi. 216. On 14 Sept. 1651 a contract was entered into between him, as John Mackintosh of Forther, and George Ogilvy and Katherine Bruce his spouse for the sale to him in liferent and to Alexander Mackintosh his son in fee of the lands of Wester Dalnacabock, in Winnygill, and a bond by Ogilvy and his wife dated at Alyth 10 Dec. following mentions that 600 merks of the price (1000 merks) had been paid and security given for the rest. Beg, Deeds vol. 615, reg. 13 Feb. 1656.
On 1 Nov. 1655 are recorded two transactions in connection with the lands of Wester Inverarity, in Glenisla. In one of these John takes sasine in an annual rent of $5.2s out of the lands under a bond by Colin Campbell of Easter Denhead dated 28 Jan. 1654; the other is sasine to " John Mackintosh of Fortter in liferent and Alexander M. his second lawful son in fee " of three eighths of the lands of Wester Innerquharitie sometime belonging to the deceased Colin Campbell, grandfather of Colin Campbell now of Souterhouses, and an eighth part of the adjoining lands of Easter Innerquharity, on charter by the said Colin dated at Kirktown of Rattray 4 Aug. 1654. Colin Campbell of Easter Denhead was in all probability father or brother of John's wife (and the same person as Colin " now of Souterhouses "), and it is possible that the transactions may in some way have been connected with John's marriage.
onto: Finegand 4
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